my order
1. Check your email and in particular the shipping email to make sure that you have not been alerted to a possible stock shortage or that your order has not been shipped in several packages, which would explain the absence of the item in your package.
. Check your bank account to make sure you have not been charged for the missing item.
3. If you don't fall into either of these two categories, please contact Customer Service directly by clicking on Contact-us !
1. Check your email and in particular the shipping email to make sure that you have not been alerted to a possible stock shortage or that your order has not been shipped in several packages, which would explain the absence of the item in your package.
2. Check your bank account to make sure you have not been charged for the missing item.
3. If you don't fall into either of these two categories, please contact Customer Service directly by clicking on Contact-us.
Rest assured! Your account has not been charged! We only charge when your order ships. However, if you notice a charge, please contact Customer Service directly by clicking on Contact-us.
*For technical reasons, delivery tracking is not available if your package has been prepared in a store or if it's sent in several packages.
Orders placed from Monday through Friday are usually processed within a maximum of 72 hours. This means that it's prepared, checked, packaged, postmarked and delivered to the carrier you have chosen. Orders placed on weekends are given priority on the next working day.
However, due to the current measures in place, preparation times may be slightly longer. Don't worry, you'll be notified by email as soon as your order is shipped, and you can track your delivery from your int.undiz.com account or via the tracking link that's provided.
If this is not the case, your order has not been processed. Please contact Customer Service directly by clicking on Contact-us.
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