Women gift ideas

Women gift ideas

29 Products
29 results

Ladies' gift ideas

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift ? Discover our selection of gift ideas for women this festive season !

On a tight budget ?

Shop for a unique Christmas gift at a great price from our selection of inexpensive Christmas gifts to please the whole family : fun items and essential accessories to slip under the tree! Fall in love with our colourful, ultra-warm Christmas slippers and socks featuring your favourite Disney stars. Discover unique designs created for the Christmas season and available in a range of ultra-cute formats: choose lovely soft notebooks, hot water bottles to keep you warm all winter or a beautifully soft eye mask. A Christmas wish list overflowing with unique gifts.

Looking for a Christmas gift that's totally on-trend ?

Here's our selection of this year's trending Christmas gifts :
1- The inexpensive plaid jumper, THE winter star for a warm Christmas, is available in ultra-cute patterns and punchy colours to brighten up your winter
2- A selection of lingerie: a sexy lingerie set consisting of a bra and a tanga or a bodysuit is an excellent idea for a gift to slip under the tree
3- A women's pyjama set : Undiz offers a wide range of satin pyjamas and cotton pyjama sets with a t-shirt top and flowing trousers. From classic colours to Disney or manga pyjamas, there's something for everyone! Take a look at our pyjama gift sets, too !

Running out of ideas ?

Try our gift engine and receive a bespoke selection of products tailored to your search. In just a few clicks, you can find wish lists brimming with choice: bras, women's bodysuits, plaid jumpers, panties, women's pyjamas... Enough to please all the women in your life without having to think too hard !